Ready for a Change?

You're in the right place.

Law Career Plus is dedicated to helping lawyers who want more from their careers.

I created Law Career Plus because I can't bear the thought of lawyers doing work they don't enjoy.

I'm big on personal and professional development and always striving to get the most from the working part of our lives.

Life is too short not to - you know this!

I'm a UK former lawyer and I've made a series of career pivots both within the law and leaving law altogether. 

As they say, I've been there, done that and got the t-shirt.

Now, I help others pivot their careers to work they love!


Matt Oliver, Founder & Head Coach, Law Career Plus

Not Sure Where to Start? Try Our Most Popular Guides

This is the guide I wish I had when I was contemplating changes to my career as a lawyer. Amongst other things, it covers common reasons for wanting to make a change and the things that can stop you.

The most comprehensive guide to alternative careers for UK lawyers, both inside and outside of the law. It also includes inspiring stories from lawyers who have previously made a career pivot/change.

When you know your career direction, the effectiveness of your job search is key. Learn how to conduct a winning job search campaign, including insider tips on CV, cover letters, Linkedin & interviews.

Our detailed guide on how to create a winning CV. Drawing on 25+ years of experience of legal recruitment and helping lawyers secure interviews at some of the world's biggest law firms and companies.

One to One Lawyer Coaching

Accelerate a Career Change With One to One Career Coaching

Whether you want to leave law or make another kind of career move, career coaching is an invaluable support. As well as my own career pivots, I have helped hundreds of lawyers make a change.

Exective Coaching for Personal & Professional Development

If you're a lawyer wanting to develop and progress your career to the next level, executive coaching can help. Whether you want to become more effective, develop as a leader or plan the next stage of your career.


""Using the techniques and prompts Matt demonstrated during our sessions, I was able to identify my particular strengths and needs in terms of potential careers and ultimately found the area that I wanted to move into. I am now looking forward to starting a new job in a few months' time and am hugely grateful to Matt for giving me the tools and helping me find the confidence to get me to this position."



Commercial Lawyer (Career Change)

"If you want a coach that will tell you what to do and what to think then Matt's style will not suit. His strength is in giving you the space and direction to answer your questions for yourself.
After only 3 sessions I had a newfound enthusiasm and a real sense of direction. Soon after our last session I was offered a fantastic job opportunity, something I would not have thought possible before I started the coaching."



Barrister (Career Pivot)

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." Abraham Lincoln